Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Dear Mr. President - January 2019

Dear Mr. President,

It’s January 2019. We are completely through the holidays and our government is shut down. Happy New Year to no one.

You are exhausting. The members of your diminishing base are rude and irreverent.  Everything you touch is poisoned and dying. Two years in your role and you have done nothing to make America anything but a suffering embarrassment.

The Republican Party in congress have shown not only how desperate and dirty they are for votes in two years, but also how spineless and cruel they are to the American people. What a crowd.

You’ve lost thousands of immigrant children. Others have been wretchedly abused. You smash families. You judge transgender soldiers who fight for freedom. You are trying to take away women’s rights. You are hollow and bleak.

I’m a preacher. I’ve was told once by a professor to preach the Good News every Sunday when I set foot in the pulpit. You make my work hard.

But I don’t follow you. I adhere to nothing you pretend to believe because you believe in nothing but your lies and deceit and chaos.

I personally follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’m sure you only know his name as a swear word.

Other people claim to follow him, but I’ve watched and listened to the same people who profess to love and follow Jesus attack immigrants, mock the only true natives of our country, and spew hatred for anyone who isn’t white and ignorantly conservative. Their hatred and fear bring darkness wherever they open their putrid mouths.

How do I preach Good News?

How do I keep my anger in check when I see faithful federal workers going to food banks to feed their families, instead of being able go to the grocery store with their well-earned paychecks?

How do I care for the “least of these” when you and your followers tear them apart piece by piece?

How do I protect the world and nature while you do everything possible to destroy our God-given creation?

You and your crony-filled administration and your thickheaded right-wing media make every day a bad news day.

But the day of reckoning is coming. Call it karma. Call it retribution. Call it victory for righteousness.

You are death to life. But death never wins. Life overcomes death.

You are darkness in the light. I know the Light of the World. Darkness cannot keep the Light away.

You are brine in fresh water. But I know the true Living Water.

You scatter those who need the most care. I know the Good Shepherd.

You starve those who are so very hungry. I know the Bread of Life.

My work of Good News is not just done in the pulpit. That would be too easy. The work of preaching Good News is more about doing than speaking.

If I believe in the Light, then I must share light with those living in darkness.

If I believe in the reviving Living Water, I must quench the thirst of those who are so very parched.

If I believe in gathering and uplifting those who have been scattered and lost, then I must find them and reclaim them in the name of the Good Shepherd.

The hungry must be fed, no matter what.

We don’t have to be Christians to do these things. But we must be decent. We must be generous. We must focus on others who are invisible in this world. We must empathetically pay attention to what is going on around us.

That might be where you and your followers get tripped up. Sad.

Ultra-conservatism doesn’t have a place in this country. We are country of human beings with human rights. We are a country of hopes. We are dreamers.

As you and your followers attempt to take away rights and hopes and dreams, the rest of us will resist and persist and be relentless in restoring goodness, righteousness and peace to our ailing land.

You know nothing of these things. The vocabulary of kindness confuses you.

You and those who speak your language will eventually be taken away to a place where you can’t hurt people anymore, and finally we will mend. We will heal.

And that is some very good news.

Pastor Barb

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