She puts sticky masks and lotions on my face.
Hot towels, cool mists, warm oil.
Facial cleansing.
My face wanders around in contaminants.
My face is exposed to pollutants.
My face needs to be cleansed.
Being a Dove soap kind of gal, this facial is
a thorough routing of daily dirt embedded
in my skin.
Facial cleansing.
The people far away were living life.
They had good days and bad days.
Now they just have bad days.
Someone said they are contaminants.
Someone said they are pollutants.
Someone said they are embedded dirt.
Someone said they are embedded dirt.
Someone said they must be scrubbed out.
They must be routed.
They must be cleansed away. Not with Dove soap.
With machine guns. With bombs. With chemical weapons.
Where is the Dove? Where is the soft touch?
Where is the gentleness? Where is justice? Where is equity?
Racial cleansing.
Kings, Queens, Emperors, Empresses.
They live in palaces.
We don’t have palaces in our country.
A long time ago, we fought a war to get rid of
The leader of our country lives in The White House.
It’s as close as we come to having a palace.
But in our White House there is dirt.
There is a polluter. There is a contaminator.
The leader of our country embeds dirt and filth.
He chokes the citizens with exhaustive lies.
He cheats on his wives, his taxes, and his country.
His followers will go over the cliff with him.
They will do this due to pride or ignorance.
He must be routed.
The White House must be cleansed. The White House must
be renewed.
The dirt and corruption and abuse of humankind dirties
us all.
Whether the sufferers are
immigrants from the south,
or Kurds in Syria,
or the poor of our own country.
Where is the Dove? Where is the soft touch?
Where is the gentleness? Where is justice? Where is equity?
Not in the American Palace.
It is time for
Palatial cleansing.