Friday, August 31, 2018

Labor Day

Labor Day.

Around Memorial Day this year I wrote the blog, “Where are the Children,” then the next month I wrote “Cages.”

It became known that children were being taken from their parents at our border, placed in detention centers and the littlest ones in cages. It took awhile to find out the truth, to find people who were outraged, and to find people with power to begin the process of reunification. It’s still not done. Another month will begin with hundreds of children and parents still separated. Reports of abuse are drifting out of these centers. Pictures of toddlers who don’t recognize their parents are heartbreaking.
For anyone who says they are sick of this story, it’s not going to go away. This is America today, and this will be part of our ugly American history. This story will live forever in the destroyed lives of the trodden-down and the powerless.

So, here we are this Labor Day weekend.

If you google Labor Day this is what you find:

"Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."

Whether we go to work in yoga pants and a tank top covered in baby food peaches, a tailored dress, medical technician scrubs, a police uniform, a suit and tie, or cargo shorts and a T-shirt, we are part of the American workforce. Congratulations. Thank you. You’re welcome.

The strength we give to the country is not merely the backbone of our society, it is the full skeleton, muscle mass, and tough skin that supports one and all.

Almost all.

The prosperity we contribute is through creating, building, teaching, selling, buying, and giving. Prosperity for one and all.

Well, almost all.

Laws have been formed to protect our hours of work. Our workplace environments. The age when we can legally work. Safety and protection for one and all.

Mainly all.

We contribute to the well-being of our land by finding a place to use our time to make something out of nothing. Create a new strategy. Teach something to someone who doesn’t know. Learn something new from someone wiser. Buy. Sell. Even working for free. To help the well-being of those who need to be well.

So, here’s the thing. There are still places that aren’t fair to their employees. There are still places that don’t pay a living wage. There are still places where power is abused in terrible ways. There are people who try to find a job but can’t. There are some people who don’t look for a job because they’ve tried and been rejected. There are some people who are incapable of working by no fault of their own. And some have retired from long careers of working hard.

Do strength, prosperity, laws and well-being belong to all?

It’s interesting to me that the President of the United States decided that federal workers will NOT get a raise come January. A raise they had been promised. Apparently, there’s not enough money in the budget. What a shame. People who spend their days serving this country have to go without a raise next year because we’re out of money.

It seems like the rich are getting richer. No, I’m sorry, the rich ARE getting richer. But we’re a country all out of money. So, for those who aren’t necessarily seeing mind-boggling prosperity…

I’d like to give a shout out to teachers. Hey! Since I am related to some of you, and some of you are personal friends, I think if the government can’t afford a promised raise to their own employees, they certainly should not be purchasing deadly weapons, such as guns, for each of you. That would be stupid. Maybe instead of guns, they could give YOU a raise. Or maybe some supplies. How are you doing with supplies? Do you have everything you need for your classroom? Are you able to teach our children without concern? Are you making a living wage? You should definitely be paid more than you are being paid. I know that for a fact. We put our children in your care every day. You are teaching the next generation. How about no guns, more computers? Thank you for what you do for our kids and our future.

Hi, nurses. Thank you for caring for us and our physical well-being. Thank you for working a gazillion hours and never quite being paid what you’re worth. Thank you especially to the ones who go the extra mile by returning phone calls, spending longer than the allotted fifteen minutes with a distressed or confused patient, and learning a new EMR that Satan obviously designed. You care for everyone who walks into your workplace even if we are rude and demanding. A pay raise for you is a no-brainer. Your incredible care saves lives. Thank you.

For every worker who harvests fruits, vegetables, and many other foods around this country, you deserve a raise. You deserve great living conditions, not just good, but great. You do back-breaking work, so we can eat. Right now, you are under fire because many of you have skin that isn’t white. A bunch of old, white, men in Washington DC have decided you aren’t worthy for them to defend or fight for. But they will fill their stomachs with the food you have harvested every single day. Thank you for your labor. You deserve to be part of the prosperity this land has to offer. This land with its’ strength and wealth is for all of us. Thank you.

Native Americans. We owe you everything. Absolutely everything. And this is why: a lot of stupid, greedy, cruel white foreigners came here and took absolutely everything away from you. You are the only people who aren’t immigrants in America. There aren’t enough apologies to make up for what we’ve done to you.

CEOs? There you are. What if you take less and give more to your workforce? Just a thought. For those of you who already do this, you are awesome. Thank you.

There are so many other people to recognize. People who do what they do for the betterment of those around them. People who go the extra mile to guide and guard the “least of these.” People who labor in love and goodness, always thinking of others first. I can’t list you all here. But we each know people who live their lives this way. I’m sure we can each thank someone this weekend.

For anyone who works for ICE or HHS or Homeland Security: If you happen to be someone with a heart doing this difficult work, and if you are doing kind and caring things for the little ones who don’t know who their parents are anymore; if you are showing gentleness to the babies and mercy to the children, and don’t abuse or intimidate them; if you encourage, support, and protect them in every way, then my tears of thanksgiving are for you. Many of us wish we could labor and work for the innocent ones. But since this is your work to do, do it well, and treat each child with respect, dignity and love. For each one is made in the image of God. Thank you.

You absolutely deserve a raise.            

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Bird

This past week I found an injured sparrow in our yard. It’s happened before.

I retrieved the cage from the basement. It’s held other feathered friends who ate, drank, and mended behind its slim bars. Some don't mend.

I put my bird in her temporary home. I put her home in a guest bedroom and closed the door.

We have cats.

Cats are predators. Predators hurt birds if they get the chance.

"His eye is on the sparrow..."

There are still almost six hundred children on our American soil who are beginning another month separated from their parents.

The stories are coming out…from the children who have been released.

Physical assault. Sexual assault. Threats of never seeing their parents again. Not allowed to hug a sibling. Cleaning toilets with their bare hands.

Predators. Predators hurt children if they get the chance.

What should be done to the people who inflict these abuses? What would you want done if it was your child? Your grandchild? Your neighbor’s child?

A little girl died after being released from a detention camp this week.  The details are few. 

Except that she is dead.

It seems we live in a country at war with children. Children poisoned in Flint, Michigan. Children kidnapped and abused at our border. Children abandoned in Puerto Rico. No money given to help young people addicted to opioids. No sensible gun laws enacted after children were murdered in our schools.

The GOP – The Gone Old Party – Predators. Predators hurt the most vulnerable if they get the chance. At the very least, they say nothing. Not one word to change one thing.

But it’s going to change. Here we come. The majority. We will change all this. Call it a blue wave or call it a midterm election. Here we come. 

Because children matter, predators need to be removed. Little ones and young people are our future. Why would we allow them to limp or gasp into adulthood, instead of helping them stride purposefully into their lives with everything they need to thrive? Education, health care, protection, love.

Here we come.

My little sparrow lived for three days. She had been badly injured and became weaker each day in her cage. I held her and pet her wings. Then she was gone.

“His eye is on the sparrow…”

I hope someone was holding the little immigrant girl who died this week.

I pray for the parents who won’t be sending their children to school this month. Memories of the funerals are still fresh.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…”

I don’t think he meant for us to kill them to get there.